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Day 10: Letting Go

As you are in the process of healing and moving forward, letting go is what frees you to move on! As humans we experience a lot from birth to now and some things are worth holding on to and others are meant experience, learn from, and let go. Honestly, letting go should be apart of your daily routine because holding to anything that doesn't serve you anymore only weighs you down. I've spoken to people who struggled with issues, but my thing was THAT WAS 10 YEARS AGO, why are you allowing it to affect your CURRENT reality? Their answer was simple, it hurt me! One of the main reasons of holding on to something that negatively impacts us is hurt.

The freedom you feel after letting go is indescribable, but so is holding on to it. You've probably heard the saying, "Let Go & Let God".

Meaning that it happened and if there is nothing you can do about it, release it off your shoulders and allow God to take care of the revenge you probably desire.

"Vengeance is mine" says the Lord.

That's how I deal with circumstances that have hurt me along my journey in life.

I pray, cry, and RELEASE it to God trying to never pick it up and so should you.


Day 11: Giving Love

Once you've been freed from the hurt that held you back, you can now begin the process of loving again. Giving love to new friends, lovers, and opportunities. To me, giving love is like sowing a seed. As you give so do you receive. Some people say it's Karma, but I believe it all is simply manifesting what you desire in life. So do you choose to give off hate and jealousy? OR do you choose to give of love, joy, and peace? I choose daily to shed light and give love, even though it can be too much lol. When it comes to giving love after being hurt or jaded, just take one step at a time and allow it to grow stronger.

I pray you all are freed from past trauma and experience new love and more life!

Blessings -Lee

Here are more images from today:

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YAY! We made it to moving forward into the freedom of allowing ourselves to heal!

Now that we've spoken about Realizing & Reflecting, Prayer & Meditation, Loneliness, and more, we can start the process of moving forward to healing.

Life moves on no matter how YOU feel. Once you swallow that truth pill, you'll begin to handle even the worst situations with that reality. After you self reflect and recognize the areas you are struggling in, with full transparency, you're able to accept that moving forward is your best option. I mean you COULD stay sulking in your failures and loneliness, but I don't want that for you and neither should you!

10 Tips on Moving forward:

1. Recognize that you are hurt and possibly stuck.

2. Write down how you feel NOW.

3. Then write down what would make you feel better.

4. Forgive those who've hurt you and forgive yourself . (You can call, email, text, or simply write it out to them in your journal)

5. Start doing the things that will make YOU happier.

6. Take a moment to breath and smile at where you are, even if it isn't the best place you've been.

7. Love yourself through EACH process.

8. Let go of past hurts to free yourself and move forward without baggage.

9. Create daily goals to build healthy habits for your purpose & vision.

10. Take ONE STEP AT A TIME and allow it to build!

Moving forward is so freeing in letting go of your past and accepting your present, while being hopeful for your future. Until tomorrow. -Blessings Lee

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Rejection is not failure. Whether applying for a new job, creating a new project, or for me a casting, just because you didn't get it or it didn't work out doesn't mean you've failed. Simply means it wasn't for you!

Look at yourself from a place of strength and gratitude and not out of a place of weakness and failure.

It can be hard to pull yourself out a dark place mentally when everyone around you is seemingly doing well, but REMEMBER

"Your journey is yours"

Love the cards you have been dealt and learn to play your hand instead of someone else.


Man oh man is this topic such a debate, lol! My friends, I am on this trip with, have more money than I do, but my peace and joy is more than theres. So how do YOU measure success. Of course we all want a balance of all of the above and its attainable, but moments in life that's typically not the case. We push hard for the job, for the "more" and sacrifice our peace, time, and other things that probably brings more joy than the promotion. I usually start with the 3 things bring fulfillment to my life. Then I add 3 more things that will make me happy, but not as much as the top 3.

Feeling Overwhelmed:

Failure, Success, Purpose, and Goals all can lead to feeling of being overwhelmed. What to do? CUT SOME THINGS BACK AND BREATHE! Maybe you are overwhelming yourself with doing to much and not taking time for yourself. Set DAILY goals and time frames for projects, cooking, family, life, social media etc. It helps you mentality to set aside times to work on each are you desire to focus on. By doing everything at once you end up doing halfway or not at all! ITS OKAY TO TAKE A BREAK!

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