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Hiiii & welcome to Life With Lee ! Here my goal is to inspire you to pursue your goals in purpose while being a Boss who Budgets!

The Beginning

Moving To New York City as an Actress Lee Poitier Lifestyle
First year in NY vs 6 years !

7 years ago, I decided to uproot everything I knew and embark on a new journey with God, from West Palm Beach Florida to N.Y.C a.k.a The Big Apple. I wasn't sure what the journey would look like, but God gave me vision in regards to the pursuit of my purpose and I knew He wouldn't steer me wrong.

As I started that process, I began to document my journey through instagram to keep my family updated and inspire those who didn't believe in their journey! Encouraging them to know that it is possible to do this for their own lives. And that was how Life With Lee, L.W.L, was born.

The Journey

Okay, so I'm not going to write a detailed breakdown of my 7 year process, we'll save that for a YouTube video, but here are some accomplishments along my journey that has led me to where I am now.

I started as a model, 2 commercials & one N.Y.F.W that lead into Acting, many background roles, 5 featured roles, and 3 lead roles; which lead into producing. Starting out as P.A,

production assistant, for Aol, yes AOL lol. That lead to working for brands, as an ambassador and those two combined blessed me to become an event producer. Once Covid hit in 2020 ALL my work was at a stand still, but God redirected my focus and energy into Digital creating. I knew how to work a camera and produce my own content, but editing and learning about platforms and softwares became my new "challenge". 2020-2021 I did a little bit of Acting for TBS, continued to build my YouTube channel and overall digital presence, and finished 2021 producing a book tour and an Art Basel instillation.

Toward the end of my book tour, end of 2021, I received a call from Amazon to be apart of this new thing called "Amazon Live" and that changed my life for the greater.

Whew, that was a mouth full! But after 6 years in NYC, I was able to bring all of my experience, lessons, and skills to the digital space. A year later of "going digital", I've been blessed to have built my presence on all social media platforms where I bring fun, interactive, affordable, brand awareness of lifestyle and fashion to you!

Now that you that you have my back story, let me share with you the ways in which you can be apart of the Life With Lee experience.

What to expect from L.W.L

  1. Lee Talks - I typically pick a trending topic or something you all suggest for me to share my perspective, encouraging words to motivate and inspire you on your journey.

  2. StyleLife with Lee- This is where I do my Amazon and Pinterest Livestreams to share my affordable fashion and lifestyle finds. You can join me on a weekly basis to hang out, learn about new products, and ask product questions.

  3. Youtube - Here I post Weekly vlogs or event recaps, Product reviews, Lee Talks, and more!

I know there is A Lot to L.W.L, but this is me and I am it! In closing, I hope I can help you in some way, shape, or form in your life. Side-note: I will blog or write, how I speak, so you don't have to grammar police me : ) ! Feel free to connect with me through my website or the social media platform of your choosing and I hope we can build a great relationship in and through time.

Sincerely, Lee... and Welcome <3

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Day 19: Confidence/Be relentless

Confidence is key!

Being confident in yourself and goals are important to how you handle situations in life. When I don't know something, I try to learn and figure it out so when I walk into the room I have SOME form of knowledge of what is going on. You don't need to know EVERYTHING but enough to hold a conversation. So when you're in the midst of a group and a conversation pops up, your confidence is higher than not knowing anything (but don't be afraid to ask questions either). How you speak, walk, dress, handle situations, all come in to play with achieving your goals and having confidence,

With how society views individuals, there will be moments where you may not feel "worthy" or "up to par" with the next person and that can decrease your self-confidence. You HAVE to get to a place where you know that YOU are enough and hype yourself up for the rest of your life. I know that may sound silly, but it's true. If YOU aren't your biggest fan, then who will be? If you depend on outside love all the time, then you'll always be at the mercy of others.

Day 20: Enjoy the process and keep repeating /Prosperity

After all that being said and done, enjoy the process of healing and prosper!

If you take on life as a journey you'll learn to love every aspect of it. The ups, downs, and side to side, lol! When you look at life as if it owes you something, every time you go through a trial/test you'll allow it to bring you down because you EXPECT life to always give willingly. The truth is life owes you NOTHING, because you have breath and God gave us free will.

Now the reality of that is YOU HAVE CHOICES! You LITERALLY CAN DO ANYTHING YOU WANT! Make more money, live across the world, travel, have kids, etc! The choice is yours! When you DO take the task of LIVING and CREATING your best life, you have to look at it from a perspective of joy. Joy that you are able to live, breathe, and create your lifestyle. Once you are aware of that, you'll prosper in ways of peace, joy, excitement. and finances because you recognize you have the power over YOUrself!

This is the conclusion of my 20 day healing road trip and the process I go through

I hope this has opened your eyes, expanded your knowledge, and that prosperity and healing consumes your reality of life. Until next time, Lee <3!

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Day 17:

These may seem like simple things to do, but I know it's an upkeep for me. With 4 other siblings, grandparent, my mother, aunties, and cousins it a lot to stay in the loop of their lives, but when I do it's always a fulfilling call. Connection is a human necessity, some need it more than others, but nevertheless it's something we all crave.

Calling your family and/or friends should be apart of your monthly lifestyle, especially during the healing process. There could be words of wisdom and encouragement on the other side of the conversation you didn't know you needed. You can make list of the people you haven't spoken to in a while up to the most recent calls or you can make the list starting with the ones you miss and will provide verbal support.

My first year in New York I MISSEDDD my family so much. It was probably the hardest first couple of months of my life, because I'd never been so far away from all of my family. Thankfully I got stronger and built a great bond with my cousin, whom I knew but we were "friends" ya know! After the first year of building our relationship, 4 years later he's one of my best friends and confidants that I can call and truly talk to with no filter <3! So give love in the simple form of saying hi!

Day 18 Checking you heart:

What I mean by checking you heart is simply that. Sit still, like meditation, and look within. But not at your mind and thoughts or your body, but your beautiful heart. See how it feels with each breath, recognize how it beats when you think of certain people, things, or circumstances. Does it tighten at the thought of someone? Or does it feel relieved now that you let that person or habit go? We check other parts of ourselves more than our heart, because lets face it, who wants to face themselves on THAT level?

Write down how you feel throughout the checking phase then ask yourself why do I feel this way? What happened that made my heart hard and cold? Or what made my heart warm and filled with love and excitement? Checking your heart helps your process of healing because then you've recognized the "feelings" and can now deal with them and let them go!

I pray this helps your healing process, dont be afraid of the call or how long it'll take. Just be present and let it flow, our family and friends have more to offer than we think.

Blessings - Lee

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