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What else can I say, lol! When you set your new goals, habits, and routine you MUST believe and keep going. Looking at other people's process and comparing it to yours will only hinder you. Yea you might've worked harder or think you should be there, BUT there is always a reason. It could simply be their timing, there could be something bigger and better for you, or you just weren't the perfect fit. You can't hold on to lost opportinies, but you must continue to believe in yours. Trusting the process can be hard when you feel you've given your all, but whats on the other side of continuous effort? Typically MORE!

So trust your process for what you set out to achieve and WORK AT IT DAILY! Perseverance is a powerful tool as most people stop fighting and that is the moment you were RIGHT near the breakthrough.

All that to say this, KEEP GOING! -Lee

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It's time to make a plan and build your routine.Routines are habits we've built over time and do daily! Some are great for us and some don't lead to a better tomorrow. BUT before you can build better habits that lead to your daily routine, it's smart to create a plan.

Creating a plan:

1) Start with what you want to change.

2) Create the steps you'd take for the change,

3) Make a list of things you'll need (i.e a blender or working space)

4) How long are you going to allow yourself to conquer your plans?

5) What are potential roadblocks?

6) Start the execution.

Building a daily routine:

Once you've made a projected plan, because things can change, it's time to activate your new routine.

I like to start with small steps, waking up 30mins. earlier, switching out white carbs for whole wheat, focusing on projects at set times, etc. When you recognize what's holding you back you can work on changing it little by little. Some people are great at switching it up overnight, but if you're like me small steps make bigger strides! After working on the areas that you struggle with first then you can tackle getting better at the ones that have been working for you! The best feeling is taking the time to better your daily routine, because before you know it, 2 months have passed and its NOW your reality!

If you decide to apply this to your life, let me know how this works out for you... I'm excited to hear the progress and change.


We are at the point of TAKING YOUR POWER BACK!

Taking your power back starts with your WHY!

To find your why or figure out how'd you get off track? Ask yourself this:

  • WHY did I start my journey toward the path I'm on now?

  • WHY did I make that move?

  • What excites me genuinely at my core?

  • When did I get distracted?

  • When did I get lazy?

  • Why did I stop fighting to be and do more with my life?

When you set out to build, create, and do more with your life, I call that a journey.

The journey usually starts with wanting more. Sometimes you have your why at the beginning and other times you find it along the way. How did you start your journey?

I started with my WHY at the beginning of my journey and the why keeps me going, pushes me to do MORE, and reminds me along the way when I get stuck or lazy.

Taking your power back is remembering your WHY. When you remember the sacrifices you've made and how far you've come, you start to receive this inflow of energy that compels you to get BACK AT IT! After being rejected from jobs I've applied to or failed relationship, it causes me to retreat from fighting the way I started, however going through the healing process puts me BACK into the fight. This healing trip has reminded me of my WHY and has grounded me back to my starting point. Now that you're going through this process with me, I hope it helps your heart and your daily fight to continue to be more (whatever that is to you).

Take daily strides to get your power back. Create better morning habits, healthier food choices, moving your body more, setting goals forward and accomplishing them, reaching out to loved ones, and overall being inspired to DO AND BE MORE!


Don't give up or give in, but continue to fight through the darkness and chaos for the better you that'll effect change in and around you!

Blessing, Lee.

Recap of the day:

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