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First step into the new

Oh yea baby WE MADE IT INTO 2019!! Its okay, give yourself a moment to praise and shout with thanksgiving about being one of the “lucky” ones to have made it to see another year 🙌🏽🤗.

The start of my new years was extremely chill and relaxed, because this is the year where some of my goals are to real, have peace, and lots of joy. With all the goal I have written down RELAXATION and TRUSTING GOD are definitely on the top of that list.

Seeing how the latter half of my 2018 year wrapped, I know God has an exciting year ahead !

What are you epedcting this 2019 year? How did you send the last few hours of the 2018 year and the first couple of hours at the start of he year?

The funniest thing about this is remembering as child trying to stay up passed 12am, I believe up to 12 years of age, and I always woke up the next morning like DANNNG I missed it again lol.

I look forward to hearing from you all about your goals, expectatoions, and ideas.

Speak soon, ya girl

Lee Poitier! 🤗😘

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