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Its time to Level Up, and PUSHHH!! 

Perseverance Defined:




steadfastness in doing something despite difficulty or delay in achieving success.

Perservance is a powerful word that has gotten me through difficult seasons when I wanted to give up. Life is a continuous journey that doesn't stop until you die. I know that's harsh but it's truth. The pace you decide to go is up to you.

You can walk, jog, or run, but the reality is to keep moving. Some may move at a faster pace and that's fine, your goal is to figure out which pace you should be moving at in the different seasons of your life. There are some moments where I'm crawling, lol, and there are other times where I'm on a full sprint, but tis the season to PERSEVERE. 

*I just really wanted to post this picture, but lets get into formation of perseverance *

This is the season where things can seem to be moving slow as we transition from winter to spring. The time is changing, the weather is changing, simply put A LOT of things are changing wether we see or feel it! As an Actor around this time it gets TOUGH financially because there isn't a lot of work happening because pilot season is JUST rolling in.

I've been saying, on social media, ITS TIME TO LEVEL UP! I'll do another post on that because it has so much more meaning, but it truly is time!

Persevere! Persevere! Persevere!

Keep going even if you're tired, broke, trying to figure it out, or WHATEVER.

Perseverance simply means to keep going!

 God Bless, Lee.


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1) Believe in YOUrself

HERE YE HERE YE! Before you try to level up in your purpose, business, personal life you MUST BE BELIEVE in YOURsefl! Belief (FAITH) in yourself is the most powerful thing you can have in life especially if you’re on a journey to create and build. Why? Because you’re going to face A LOT of storms and attacks agains your journey and you’ll have to be strong enough to KEEP going because YOU believe in yourself DESPITE others doubting you.

2) Quitting is NOT an option

I have to remember this rule during the tough and slow seasons in my life. If you’re just starting out to “chase a dream” “Follow a call of God” YOU HAVE TO embed in your mind that you WILL NOT give up once you start. You’ll face a lot of challenging times and opposition when you first start, when you’re being blessed, AND while you’re “making it”. Bossing up takes ambition and unmovable faith not to even THINK about giving up.

3) Let go of DEAD weight

Let it go, Let it GOOO! Yes I’m speaking to you!!! Let go of those things you’ve been feeling have NO value to your life. Stop telling yourself you “might” need him, her, or it! The very things you’re holding on to for just in case situations, could be the very things that are holding you back from moving forward. Maybe you need to lose weight to have more energy to get things done? Maybe you need to let go of that friend or coworker that keeps doubting EVERYTHING you’re doing or want to do. It won’t be an easy process, but it’ll be worth it at the end.

4) ReFOCUS your goals

AFTER ALLLLL OF THAT, its time to pull out the journal, or laptop, and get to REFOCUSING your goals! Once you’ve put it in your heart that you’ll believe in yourself despite all odds, that giving up is NOT and option, and let go of the dead weight, its time to reestablish why you started in the first place. With this new perspective and bossing up mentality you’ll see your goals with a higher meaning of completion. Refocus your why

5) Strategize & GO!

Now its time for the fun part! Strategize those goals girl and GET TO MOVING! Put your refocused goals into action, Faith WITHOUT works is dead. Don’t just dream it or write out your goals but put them into strategic action. Start by setting out your purposeful steps, your business steps, your social media steps, networking steps. Then set the timeline you’ll give yourself REALISTICALLY of how long this action steps will take. THEN GO OFF!

Hope this helped you in your BOSSING UP move. If there are more topics you’re interested in me speaking or writing about go ahead and drop a comment below.

Excited to see your Boss Moves.

Blessings, Lee.

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